Blog: Cloud Architecture

Designing Cloud Ready Enterprise Platform for Software Architects & Evangelist


IT industry is vast area and my professional experience is around software integration which provided me unique opportuntinity to design enterprise solution with various programming language, open source libraries, performing build automation and working with multiple software vendors.

With my experience, I felt software professionals sometimes confused with jargons of cloud computing, usually they apply traditional SDLC approach without considering multi-tenancy architecture where resources are finite. I have received multiple request from colleague working in non-cloud environment, so thought to share my conceptual knowledge with simplicitic flow.

How this site has been designed from SDLC perspective, this has been covered in seperate navigation tab 'MOBILITY LAB' to simplify the usecase for illustration. You can also send me message through DISQUS comment by navigating to 'CONTACT'.

 Apache and Free License Model

In this section, I will explain various open source licensing model. Sadly every license is not compatible with enterprise solution design due to enforced restriction, so which license to choose?

Disclaimer: Above information are indicative only and blog author is not a legal expert. Please take legal opinion for any doubt or confusions before using any open source licenses in your enterprise project.


This Site - Built with React, Kotlin, Redux & Webpack

  1. Kotlin Learn Function Driven Development to start with.
  2. React Learn Client Side Component Driven Application Development to start with.
  3. Web Apps DesignTechnology blog to build engaging web application without paying penny - coming soon!